Wednesday, January 16, 2013
We, at Ball Homes, are so blessed to have a wonderful group of Realtors who work diligently for our company on the Ball Homes Sales Team. On Tuesday, we celebrated their hard work at the Lexington Top Producer luncheon.

Award winners were divided up into the Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum level awards, based on the number of sales over the past year.
Bronze Award Winners: Matt Walling, Meredith Lane, Debbie Meers, Sally Ford, Jennifer Sisson, Todd Back, Teresa Parks-Crumbie, Fred Kamdar, Dale Ferguson, Connie Greathouse, Mary Layton, Ben Brown, Malcolm Meers, and Scotty Floro.
Silver Award Winners: Matt Gerwin, Erin Lewis, David Lee Stewart, Erin Raymond, and Mike Wheatley.
Gold Award Winner: Greg Back
Platinum Award Winners: Drew and Lee Hewlett
Drew and Lee Hewlett were the Top Producers for 2012 in Lexington. They were also awarded the "David Lee Stewart bobble-head award" for being the Top Producers for the month of December. Congratulations Drew and Lee!

A very special award was given in honor of Bob Osbourn, the former Milestone Realty Consultants Broker who passed away in 2007. He was actively involved in his community and was very disciplined in his real estate career. The award was given to the Realtor who emulated the characteristics that Bob was famous for. The first annual Bob Osbourn Award was presented to Ben Brown, who always gives 100% to his clients. Congratulations Ben!

We are so thankful for all the hard work that our Ball Homes Sales Team does for us every single day and we're looking forward to a prosperous 2013! For more photos from the luncheon, visit our Facebook page!