
January 2014

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

If you’ve been outside today for more than a few minutes, you know that it is COLD outside! According to local weather reports, it looks like it’s only going to get worse as the weekend progresses.  As temperatures drop, there is a greater need for you to take care of the pipes inside your house. Even in new construction houses, pipes run the risk of cracking and breaking, leading to water damage and costly repairs. Here are 4 things you need to do to prevent broken pipes in your house.
1. Locate your water shut off valve.
If you haven’t done so already, make sure you know where your water shut off valve is located in your home. Many times, it’s located near your water heater. Familiarize yourself with how to turn off your water quickly, just in case you do have a busted pipe.
2. Check your thermostat.
If you’re going to be away for a few days, don’t set your heat any lower than 55 degrees. You want to keep at least a little bit of heat circulating in the home so that your pipes don’t burst while you’re away.
3. Open your cabinets.
When temperatures drop below freezing, it’s a good idea to leave your cabinet doors open to allow warm air from the house to circulate around the pipes. This is even more important if the pipes are on an exterior wall.
4. Turn on your water.
If it’s extremely cold outside, turn on your faucets to allow a small trickle of water to come through the pipes. This will keep the water running in the pipes and keep it from getting frozen. If your sink has separate hot and cold faucets, let both of them drip. If there’s just one faucet, set it to medium so that both the hot and cold water lines are both activated.

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