
DIY Project

Carve the Perfect Pumpkin

With Halloween just a few days away, decorate a perfect looking pumpkin with the help of these step-by-step instructions!

1. Pick out a pumpkin.

Examine the rind. It should be firm, uniform in color, and free of cuts, bruises, and blemishes.  Make sure that the stem doesn’t look brown and dry. And don’t use the stem as a handle, since even a healthy one can break off. Pick up a pumpkin by its base instead. Give the pumpkin a knock. A thumping sound means the pumpkin is solid, with no internal defects, rot, or soft spots. You should try to have an idea of what you want to do with your pumpkin before you pick it out. If you want to carve an intricate design in your pumpkin, it may be easier to carve on a flatter surfaced pumpkin. 

2. Carve your pumpkin.

Make sure you don’t carve your pumpkin too early! Once a pumpkin is cut, they usually last 4-5 days before they start to rot. With a serrated knife, carefully cut an opening around the stem of the pumpkin, leaving a small notch on the back. It will be easier to put the top back on the pumpkin when you’re finished. 

3. Scoop out the goop.

Use a large spoon to remove the pulp and scrape the sides clean of stringy pieces. Separate the seeds from the pulp for a tasty treat later. Make sure you don’t put anything down your garbage disposal. It will clog up the drain and be a big hassle!

4. Start drawing.

Use a marker to start drawing a face on your pumpkin. If you aren’t an artist, you can use a free pumpkin stencil like the ones shown here or here.