Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Fall - the season the leaves turn pretty, the weather gets colder, and all you want to do is bundle up. For many, this means your activity decreases too. Try to remember to stay active, but there are some other things you can do to keep yourself healthy this Fall!
Think beyond the pies and the jack-o-lanterns. Pumpkins are great for other things too! Pumpkins offer both Vitamin A and C in its pulp and the seeds are also packed with phytosterols, which helps lower cholesterol.
Fight off the seasonal candy craving. If you buy candy for trick or treaters, buy only enough for the kids. Try waiting until the day of Halloween to buy it as well. That way the in-house temptation isn't haunting you through the month.
Pass on the chips and dip. Football season usually involves lots of sitting and food grazing. Instead try setting out raw veggies and other healthy snacks.
Start your turkey day off right. Before your big Thanksgiving meal, start your morning with a high protein and fiber breakfast. This will boost your metabolism and help prevent sugar cravings!
Now that we've got a game plan, let's all have a healthy fall and go into the holidays feeling GREAT!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The holidays are fast approaching and in no time, friends and family will be descending upon your home for yummy meals and holiday cheer. Get your floors ready for the increase in foot traffic with these quick fixes:
1. Save your floor cleaning for last.
There's a reason why people say "cleaning from top to bottom". Save the mopping, vacuuming, and sweeping for last, that way your floors are nice and clean before people start showing up.
2. Get creative with your coverings.
Place a festive door mat or carpet runner at the front door to absorb slush and snow. You'll be able to keep your freshly cleaned floors clean, as well as prevent slips or falls.
3. Put pads on the legs of furniture.
If you're planning on moving any furniture to make way for more people, consider putting felt pads on the bottom of chairs and couches. Not only will it make it easier to slide the furniture across the room, but it'll protect your carpet or wood floors from scratches.
4. Corral the clutter.
Do you walk into your home, only to trip over stray shoes? Add a boot tray by the door to catch melting snow or mud, that way it's not melting on the floor.
5. Call in the professionals.
There's something to be said about getting your carpets and floors professionally cleaned. If your carpets are looking a little worse for wear, it's probably time to call in the professionals.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Everyone here at Ball Homes wishes you and your family a happy and safe July 4th holiday!

Our offices and model homes in Lexington and Knoxville will be closed on Friday, July 4th for the holiday. They will resume normal business hours through the weekend, with the exception of the Hampson Place model in Knoxville, which will be closed through the weekend.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Can you believe that the July 4th holiday is already upon us? As we celebrate our nation's birthday this week, many people will be getting together with friends and family to grill out and watch the fireworks. Bring these easy and festive treats to your next gathering.
Spangled Sandwich Pops
4th of July Rice Krispie Treats
Photo Source
Who doesn't like rice krispie treats? Make the classic treat a little more patriotic with this recipe from Two Sisters Crafting.
Watermelon Stars
It can't get much easier than this sweet idea from I Heart Nap Time! All you need is watermelon slices and a star shaped cookie cutter.
Cut-and-Bake Flag Cookies
Stars and Stripes have never looked so tasty! Use different color sprinkles to make this treat from Pillsbury.
Do you have any other holiday treats you'll be making this weekend? Share them with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Now that summer is officially here and the kids are getting out of school, it's important to remember to brush up on important safety tips that will keep you and your family safe during the warmer months ahead.

Sun Protection:
Sunscreen is a MUST, even on cloudy days. Sunburns can lead to skin issues down the road, so be sure your and your kids lather up at least every 30 minutes with a product that has both UVA and UVB protections and an SPF of at least 15-30 (according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Association of Dermatology) . Try to find the shade as much as possible, and even consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses for further protection against the sun's rays.
Beware of Bugs:
Warm weather doesn't just attract people to the great outdoors. Mosquitos, ticks, and other insects are out and can carry dangerous diseases. When you're outside, be sure to use an insect and tick repellent containing DEET. Don't forget about protecting your four-legged family members too. Pets can be put on a monthly flea and tick control program to protect them while they're outside.
Beat the Heat:
As temperatures rise, your body loses a lot more fluids, so it's important to stay hydrated. Don't wait until you're thirsty to start drinking fluids. By that point, you're already dehydrated, so make sure to get plenty of fluids before, during, and after being outside.

Grilling Tips:
Grilling out is a favorite activity during the warmer months, but make sure you're prepared before you head outside. Don't let children near the grill. It can still remain hot for a long time after it's done being used. Also, make sure all meats are cooked to the appropriate internal temperature to avoid food-bourne illnesses.
This summer can be fun and enjoyable for everyone in your family. With a safety plan, you can make sure that everyone has a great few months.